Now as part of the Sunshine Blogger Award I am supposed to answer the following 10 personal questions and pass on the award to other bloggers of my choice.
First the questions:
What is your passion? Coming up with new ideas be it in my day job, writing, or in anything else.
Favorite time of the year? I would have to say Fall. The colors are amazing, but it's a bit sad.
Favorite book? There are so many, but I will go with The Lord of The Rings by Tolkien.
Favorite movie? Again, so many, but I will go with Star Wars.
Favorite animal? A tie between cats and dogs.
Favorite time of the day? Dawns and Sunsets are special for me. They are beautiful and full of metaphors.
Favorite Flower? I like roses and meditating about why they have thorns.
Favorite nonalcoholic beverage? Used to be coffee, but I gave that up for health reasons. Now it's milk.
Favorite physical activity? Walking around a local lake.
Favorite vacation? I went on a trip out West with my family for several weeks. We drove around most of the National Parks, had many great adventures, and took amazing pictures.
Now I bestow the Sunshine Blogger Award upon the following bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere:
Adrienne Joyce
Jeff Whelan
Lia London
Marilou George
Mary Yuhas
Molly Greene
If the above bloggers choose to accept the award, they should publish a post accepting the award and answering the same questions I answered. Additionally they should then pass on the award to other bloggers (maximum of ten) that they deem worthy of this award. Once they have done that, they can proudly display the picture of the Sunshine Blogger Award on their blogs!
Thank you bloggers and congratulations; you bring sunshine to the blogosphere!
Here is a list to copy and paste of the questions you should answer if you accept the award:
1) What is your passion?
2) Favorite time of the year?
3) Favorite book?
4) Favorite movie?
5) Favorite animal?
6) Favorite time of the day?
7) Favorite Flower
8) Favorite nonalcoholic beverage?
9) Favorite physical activity?
10) Favorite vacation?
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